Install Ramp8
. You will want to install and run Ramp8.exe
for both the Ramp EOD and intraday options.
Be sure that no other programs are running when you install
2. Ramp runs on free market data from the internet and must
be able to communicate past your computer's fire wall.
This is normally not an issue. However, if
Ramp8 is not able to run or does not show scan results, you will
need to "Unblock" Ramp8 and allow it to communicate through
your computer's fire wall. The links below are
provided to show you how to "Unblock" Ramp8 if you
find it necessary.
Windows 7
Firewall Video
Other Firewalls
Click Here to install Ramp8
Look for the Ramp8 icon on your desktop after you have installed
Go back to the Ramp Forex and Stock Chart Pattern Recognition
Screener Home Page.